
The script for assignment on music videos and genres:

Music videos:

Mr Traumatik - Psychedelic ascension (animation)
AJ Tracey - Doing It (popular music genres)
coldplay - a sky full of stars (live music performance)

codes and conventions of aj Tracey doing it
fast cars, girls, nice clothes, dance routines, lip sinking

codes and conventions of psychedelic ascension
morphing shapes, bright colours,]

codes and conventions of a sky full of stars
the crowd, cheering

Actual Script:

Hello, my name is Sean Moynehan and today I am going to be talking about three different music videos and the styles, codes and conventions. The first video I will be talking about is Mr traumatik - Psychedelic ascension this is an animated music video and follows many codes and conventions of animation. The music video to a drum and bass within the video we can see how animation has been used to emphasise the music and the lyrics, we can see the use of many different colours and how they have been used to create a "trippy" effect hence the name of the song psychedelic ascension. The video also shows us lots of different images morphing in and out of each other, this also helps to create the same effect as the colours. The next video I am going to be talking about is AJ Tracey - Doing it. This is a popular music video and follows many conventions of rap and grime music videos, within the music video, we can see many things that can also be seen in many other music videos in this genre such as nice cars, Women, nice clothes, money, dance routines and lip sinking. IMany different techniques have been used in this video such as many scene changes, dark scenes and bright lights. In the video, the camera movements are very rapid and quick this makes the video seem more fast paced. Finally, I am going to be talking about the video of A sky full of stars by Coldplay is a live performance music video but this is a different type of live performance video because instead of being in a big stadium its a live performance where the fans are in the street and the lead singer of Coldplay Chris Martin is walking down the street past all the fan whilst playing many instruments and singing. There is a big crowd in the performance and Chris Martin can be seen performing live in the video. The video is filmed in one take and a tracking shot is used and they follow the artists around.
Image result for readable colours

This chart is the reason I used a blue background and yellow writing because it's easy to read.


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