Assignment 26.2 Old to new films

Assignment 26.2 Old films to new films
Sean Moynehan 

In this report i am going to be comparing two films and I will be discussing the directors and producers and the budget for both films and other things like where the money for the film came from and the funding bodies and which production houses produced the films, wether the films are independent or mainstream, the technologies used to create the film and what cinemas showed the films, wether the films were shown worldwide or just in the UK and the certificate the film received. 

Two films that I'm going to be comparing are:

The Intent Poster
  • The intent
  • The intent 2 

The Intent

The intent is a film based in England that was released in 2016 and is based on gang violence with the UK. The intent has two directors who are: 

Femi Oyeniran and Kalvadour Peterson. 

Femi Oyeniran also produced the film along with Nicky Slimting Walker. The film had a five figure budget. The funding for the intent came from Netflix. The Production Companies that helped to produce the intent are:

  • PurpleGeko Productions
  • It's Alot Productions
  • Nicki SlimTing Films

The distributors that helped to promote the film are:

  • Netflix (2017) (Australia) (video) (VOD)

Other Companies that helped produces and promote the film are:

  • Independent Drama (action services)
  • Independent Drama (armoury services)
  • Sound Directors (post-production sound) (as The Sound Directors)

The Intent films are independent films, They were helped by Netflix as their funding body.
CGI is used within The Intent many times during gun fights within the film this helps the film to look better and have unique scenes that would be hard to create with a camera and therefore is easier to produce via CGI. Netflix helped to distribute the film across the world but the film got the most views in places like England and Australia. The intent was not shown in cinemas but was previewed on Netflix. The Intent fits into the genres of crime and drama. The film was given the certificate of 15 in the UK and Australia it received this certificate because it has many scenes that involve drugs, gun violence and crimes taking place. The film is part of a series of films and was followed by The Intent 2: The come up. Island Records is the company that helped to create The Intent. 

The Intent 2: The Come Up Poster
The Intent 2: The come up

The Intent 2 is a film that was released in 2018 and is a continuation from the first film The Intent. After The Intent was a big hit within the UK and Australia directors and writers Femi Oyeniran and Nicky slimting walker decided that a second film was to be made the reason that The Intent was such a hit within the UK was because that many teens and young adults within the UK felt that the film was relatable to the struggle of middle class peoples everyday lives within the UK. 

The Second film in the series received a lower star rating than The Intent only achieving a 3.5 out of 10 from reviews on IMDB. The budget for the Film is currently unknown but the funding body Netflix helped to produce the film. 

The Film was an international production whilst being based in the UK the film also had a majority of scenes filmed in Jamaica and also based there. many different technologies were used in the production of The Intent 2 such as drones and CGI shots that couldn't be captured with a regular camera because the shots just wouldn't be possible. 

The film is also another independent film. The film was shown in over 5000 different cinemas within the UK and made over $500,000 at box office, cinemas such as VUE, Odeon, Showcase cinemas and Cineworld aired the film on release date.

Stars within the film helped to promote the film over social media and many promotional adverts were shown before the day of release around the UK. The film received certificate of 15 in the UK it was given this certificate for the same reasons as the first film in the series The Intent as it has many scenes involving guns, violence and drugs so many scenes may not be fit for underage viewers to see. The film fits into the genre of crime and drama island records werer the production company that produced both films.


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