media work Sean M


Film Studies - unit 26 

Task 1

short description of these terms and an example film of each:

  • genre analysis - genre analysis is important so we have an understanding of the type of film the audience is watching. For example Charlie and the Chocolate factory is a fantasy film we can understand this when we are introduced to a lot of imaginary sweets.

  • content analysis - content analysis is the deconstruction of a piece of media so you can understand what is going on in a better way. For example in Charlie and the Chocolate factory there is a sweets and things that would grab the attention of children so therefore kids are more likely to want to go and see the film.

  •    narrative analysis - narrative analysis is a way of understanding the the story is being told to have a better understanding of whats going on. For example in Charlie and the chocolate factory there is a narrator who introduces all the characters and gives back story on a main character Willy Wonka.


  •  reception study - this is the idea that if we have the correct understanding of the piece of media then we can see how meaning can be seen within the piece of media. 
  • fan study - research done on a group of media fans and cultures helping to understand how different types of people view the same piece of media.

         film to Analise: Transformers 

Transformers is a fast paced action based film where the main goal of the characters is to defeat the bad robots and stop them from turning earth into a robot planet. Transformers is a film where at the beginning there is a fight scene this shows the audience right away that they are going to be watching a fast paced action film. Transformers is narrated by one of the main characters and he shares information with the audience so they can have a better understanding and have a basic understand of the context of the film and keep up with whats going on.


Task 2 

define and give examples where possible:

structuralism: structuralism is a theory which explores the way the audience is going to understand a piece of media.

semiotics: semiotics is the study of  something which can stand for something else and how it fits into society.

auteur theory: A view of filmmaking where the director is the most important person in the room and they are in charge. 

feminism: Feminism within media is the way women are treated differently to men in the film industry and the belief that women and men should be treated the same.

queer theory: queer theory is political activism energised the notion of queerness as a diverse category comprising sexual dissidents who embrace the subversion of heterosexual normatively 

Marxism:The mass media are, in classical Marxist terms, a 'means of production' which in capitalist society are in the ownership of the ruling class. According to the classical Marxist position, the mass media simply disseminate the ideas and world views of the ruling class, and deny or defuse alternative ideas.

psychoanalytic:Psychoanalytic theory is the theory of personality organisation and the dynamics of personality development that guides psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology.
genre: action, adventure, sci-fi

analyse two films:
Iron Man Poster
Iron man

director:  Jon Favreau

genre: action , adventure , sci-fi

attended audience: young children, teens and adults

Avengers Assemble Poster

The Avengers

director: Joss Whedon

attended audience: young children, teens and adults

Hot fuzz

Hot fuzz is a action, comedy film that was released in 2007. Hot fuzz was directed by Edgar Wright and was written by Edgar and the main character Simon Pegg.

what are regulatory bodies?

Regulatory bodies are an organisation that is responsible for determining what is aloud to be cast over the radio. An example for this organisation in the UK is Ofcom this company monitor what is allowed to be broadcast over broadband, radio, phone, post and TV programs.

More examples:

  • Federal Communications Commission
  • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Australian Communications and Media Authority
  • Advertising Standards Authority
What are their functions?

The function of Regulatory bodies or Regulatory agencies are organisations that monitor and control what is allowed to be aired and allowed for the public to see on television and radio. For example in America they have the FCC or federal communications commission and they monitor what shows get aired on TV,  For example if a show is too graphic for younger audiences the FCC are the people that decide if the show is allowed to air. They are also the people who decide what people are allowed to say on TV and the radio for example rude words are not permitted on tv before a certain time in the UK to stop younger audiences understanding the rude words earlier in life.


  1. Hi Sean

    For the second half when your anylysing two films, be sure to write in full sentences for your assignment and also make sure that you address how you know what genre the film is. Have a look at the post on Codes and Conventions.


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