Film Studdies Assignment

26.1 The Theory of Films (Unit 26: Film Studies)

In this report, I am going to be analysing two different films and also talking about the two different directors that made these films and the film theories they use within their films. The directors I am going to be talking about are:

Tim Burton
Ridley Scott 

Two films I am going to be analysing are:

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Thelma and Louise (1991)

In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Tim Burton uses auteur theory as he does in many of his other films. This means that Tim likes to use the same actors in many different films because a friendly relationship has been established between actor and director. In Thelma and Louise, Ridley Scott uses the theory of feminism within the film, feminist theory is the theory that everybody no matter sex should be equal in all categories such as in the workplace and the feminist theory also strives to achieve social equality for women and men.

Tim Burton is widely known for using auteur theory in many of his films as he tends to have good relationships with many of the actors he regularly uses in his films such as Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter and Michale Gough.  Tim Burton also uses the same writer for all of his films, therefore, the beginning scene with the Warner brothers logo appearing through a snowstorm has similar music to many beginning as Tim Burton's other films. He also kept the opening the same as the original film because this is a very well known scene.

Ridley Scott shows that he supports the feminism theory in Thelma and Louise, in the film Ridley shows that women can be just as dangerous and adventurous as men can when Thelma (Genna Davis) is being attacked by a man outside a bar and Louise (Susan Sarandon)  
saves the day by shooting and killing the attacker. The Writer of the film Callie Khouri worked alongside Ridley Scott to produce the film.

"When asked whether he considers himself to be a feminist ally, his answer was a definitive "yes". "

Charlie and the chocolate factory is a film that uses the idea of childhood imagination and brings it to real life. Tim Burton likes to use some things in most of his films such as spirals, pasty white makeup, black eyes and stripes there are also many things he likes to keep the same in all of his films for example in most of Tim Burtons films there is always a kind family figure to support the main character in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this is Grandpa Joe but we can also see this same feature in many other of his films such as Edward Scissorhands Peg and Bill are the friendly faces in Batman and Batman returns this role is filled by Alfred. We can also see in Charlie and the Chocolate factory how Willy Wonka seems like he has never grown up and this symbolises he lost his parent figures which we later find out to be true. The colours used in Charlie and the chocolate are a wide variety of colours including greens, purples browns and many more.  

Thelma and Louise is a film that explores feminine power and how females are just as strong as men and they are just as capable. In the film, we see how these two women learn to fend for themselves as they are on the run from the law and as they begin their road trip to get out of America and flee the police and the consequences they face after committing crimes of robbery and murder. 

In the film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, we can see the use of different camera angles and ways that the director has done certain things. In the scene where Charlie bucket and other childer walk into the first room of the factory, we can see how the director Tim Burton has used a medium wide shot to get most of the environment in the shot. He has done this to show how the film is a children's fantasy film. Also, we can see the use of the main spotlight in the middle of the room this helps lighten up the scene and helps grab the audience's attention and the use of the bright green grass helps to say that this is a nice place and the children can get excited, When Willy Wonka and Charlie Bucket have this conversation.

  • Willy Wonka: Do you like my meadow? Try some of my grass! Please have a blade, please do, it's so delectable and so darn good looking!
    Charlie Bucket: You can eat the grass?
    Willy Wonka: Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable, even *I'm* eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.
  • Willy Wonka: Everything in this room is eatable, even I'm eatable! But that is called "cannibalism", my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.

This helps to show that Tim Burton has used Johnny Depp's character as Willy Wonka can be a nice guy shown when he offers everyone to go and eat as much as they like because everything is the room is edible but also shows that the character can be a bit strange seen a few lines later in the scene. 

In Thelma and Louise in the scene after the two women have left the bar after beginning their road trip, there is a sexual assault scene where we can see the character Harlan Puckett played by Tomathy Charhart attempts to sexually assault Thelma and she is saved by the other main character Lousie in this shot we can see the use of a mid shot can be seen, the use of the dark colours within the scene when Lousie kills 
Harlan this shows that this is a dark scene and how Harlan is the nice guy after all. We can see the feminist side of the film come into play as Louise stands up for the two girls.

LOUISE:Looks like you've got a real fucked up idea of fun.  Now turn around.

               Louise starts to back away, but the gun is still close to 
               his face.  His pants are undone in the front.  She is still 
               backing away with the gun raised.  Thelma is inching away as 

LOUISE:Just for the future, when a woman's 
crying like that, she's not having 
any fun!

               Louise lowers the gun and stares at him for a second.  Then 
               she turns and walks away.  Thelma does, too.
Harlan:(pulling up his pants)
Bitch.  I should have gone ahead and 
fucked her.

               Louise stops in her tracks.

LOUISE:What did you say?

HARLAN:I said suck my cock.
Louise takes two long strides back towards him, raises the 
gun and FIRES a bullet into his face.  We hear his body HIT 
the gravel parking lot.  LOUISE'S POV.  The car behind him 
is splattered with blood.  Thelma and Louise are both silent.  
We hear the SOUND of the nightclub in the distance.  Louise 
lowers the gun.
THELMA:Oh my God.
LOUISE:Get the car.

Source from:

Within the scene, the audience can clearly see the director Ridley Scott standing up for Women and showing that females are just as strong as males and we are equal as human beings, this continues throughout the rest of the film.

Charlie and the Chocolate factory is a fantasy film we can see this with the made-up items within the factory's walls things such as an entirely edible room and bubble gum that is a three-course meal all in one that makes people swell up like big blueberries so I believe it is safe to say this is a fantasy film. 

Thelma and Louise can be seen as having many different genres mainly as a crime film and a comedy but can also be seen as a feminist movement.

In conclusion, we can see that films can have much different meaning like Thelma and Lousie with the message of feminity and women being strong. Whereas the message of Charlie and the Chocolate factory has the message of not being greedy and people being polite and patient.



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