Commercial radio assignment

Radio Advertising Analysis
                        Sean Moynehan

In this report, I am going to be talking about advertising styles including shock and humour. factual information about the adverts, The message that the advert sends across, The structure and purpose of the advert, The use of sound bed and voiceover within the advertisement. I will also be talking about persuasive techniques and the regulation that is on the advert from sources like Ofcom and the ASA.

Ford Fiesta Zetec blue advert is a humour/factual advert. The advert fits for a car style advert. Features two celebrity guest Robert Webb and David Mitchell The advert is successful because it's funny. As David is describing the new features of the ford fiesta Robert is making up things about his new car that is obviously not real. The target audience is for people who drive so it makes sense that the advert is on the radio in the car. The message of the advert is to help sell the car that the advert is promoting. This was a one-off advert with the two celebs. The success of the advert is shown in car sales as seen below:

This shows that December 2017 car sales rose this could be a correlation with the radio advert, the advert also helps to gain publicity and company awareness. The advert was broadcast all over the UK. The advert has been approved by organisations like Ofcom. 

The Xbox 360 advert was released in 2010 and was produced by Microsoft, the aim of the advert is to sell more Xbox 360 consoles and promote the Microsoft company and the Xbox name. The advert is a humour advert with few words and noises from games that can be played on the Xbox. The advert was a one-off advert that was also shown on tv platforms as well as the radio.  The advert suits for the home and the car because it is humorous. The advert is successful because it's promoting the product in a way that also shows off the product without having to actually show the audience the product. The sounds used in the advert are clearly made by the narrator as sound effects but they are being used to help to portray the games that are available to the public. The diegetic sound of the thunder at 13 seconds is showing many of the games that can be played on the Xbox and therefore this helps promote the console.

Here we can see that after the advert came out in the UK in 2005 that sales slightly went up by 200,000 this means that the advert was successful. The advert was also broadcast over the whole of the UK and was approved by Ofcom. 


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