
Showing posts from 2019

Assignment 26.2 Old to new films

Assignment 26.2 Old films to new films Sean Moynehan  In this report i am going to be comparing two films and I will be discussing the directors and producers and the budget for both films and other things like where the money for the film came from and the funding bodies and which production houses produced the films, wether the films are independent or mainstream, the technologies used to create the film and what cinemas showed the films, wether the films were shown worldwide or just in the UK and the certificate the film received.  Two films that I'm going to be comparing are: The intent The intent 2  The Intent The intent is a film based in England that was released in 2016 and is based on gang violence with the UK. The intent has two directors who are:  Femi Oyeniran and Kalvadour Peterson.  Femi Oyeniran also produced the film along with Nicky Slimting Walker. The film had a five figure budget. The funding for the intent came from Netfl

initial response (Individual idea)

dPROPOSAL PROGRAMME TITLE: endless corridor CLIENT: Harry Dhami WRITER(S): Sean Moynehan CREW / CAST : DATE: 7/2/19 Paradoxx Productions will produce a music video on the theme of performance for Harry Dhami aimed at an audience aged between 15-35 year olds who would also like other media products such as David Zowie - House Every Weekend  because the actual music is sort of the same and the video concept is similar. Programme/production planning will be completed by the 8th of march.  This will be filmed/produced by 25th of February , shooting will last for …. days and rough edit/first draft will be available by 5th of march for you to review.  [ OPTIONAL - We also plan to undertake a sample viewing on the 6th of march ]. Final submission will be submitted as a ( FORMAT - .MOV, DVD) on 8th of march.   The programme will be shot/produced in Coulsdon college using Canon 5D m